Maryland Model History

Maryland has a long history, and commitment to supporting both the Pyramid Model and Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation. Both programs were made possible by dedicated funding through the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Division of Early Childhood, and Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services.

Pyramid Model

Maryland was among the first states to implement the Pyramid Model in 2006 (back when it was known as CSEFEL, or the Center for Social Emotional Foundations of Early Learning) starting with just a few county-wide demonstration sites, and today, there is some level of Pyramid Model engagement statewide, with trainers and coaches serving all jurisdictions.

This work depends on the many committed professionals working within local public school PreK and K programs, special education and family advocacy organizations, the state’s Department of Behavioral Health, institutes of higher learning, and most recently within the Part C early intervention sector. The work is guided in the state by our Pyramid Model State Leadership Team.


IECMHC launched as a pilot project, in 2002, across three jurisdictions within the State. Now, MSDE funds ten programs covering all 24 of Maryland’s jurisdictions. Through an ongoing partnership with the MSDE, UMB, SSW PIEC (Parent, Infant, Early Childhood) team, the IECMHC program has experienced significant growth, to include a statewide data management system and regular production of reports and legislative briefs, and continuous training and professional development.

In 2016, Maryland was chosen as one of 14 pilot sites nationwide to receive expert technical assistance through the SAMHSA-funded Center of Excellence (CoE) for IECMHC (MSDE et al., 2020). This collaboration led to the development of the new state IECMHC implementation standards. The IECMHC standards published and disseminated in the summer of 2020, adopt a tiered approach to consultation for Maryland’s workforce. By aligning with the national model, Maryland aims to create a pool of licensed consultants and enhance the knowledge base of our existing consultation workforce, spanning child development, mental health, and evidence-based interventions. (MSDE et al., 2020).

Parent, Infant, and Early Childhood (PIEC) Team

For over 15 years, the Parent Infant and Early Childhood (PIEC) team at the University of Maryland School of Social Work has been the central hub for Maryland’s Pyramid Model framework and Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation program. We provide ongoing training, coaching, technical assistance, program implementation guidance, policy expertise, and data and evaluation support. Our services and workforce development efforts are dedicated to addressing systemic racial and socioeconomic inequities that affect the social and academic development of children from minority backgrounds.